Latest Episodes
October 14, 2019
The Portfolio X-Ray: What Is It, Who Needs It, & Why
Uncover the gremlins that could be hiding in your assets!
October 07, 2019
Can You Avoid Taxes In Retirement - If So, How
What's the deal with the year 2025? And other tips to protect yourself from rising taxes.
September 30, 2019
5 Key Financial Areas You Should Focus On
The Retirement Fitness Plan™ is a 5-Step plan that Ed designed himself to help you get to, and through, retirement.
September 23, 2019
How Much Money Will You Need
$500,000…$1 million…$5 MILLION? How can you begin to determine how much you actually need in your nest egg?
September 16, 2019
7 Common Retirement Mistakes That You Can Avoid
How you can the take financial regrets of others, and turn them into a preventative education for you.
September 02, 2019
The 4 Biggest Retirement Worries: Part 2
Last week we began the conversation to reduce your anxiety about running out of money, and healthcare costs. This week, we resume the discussion...